Address Corrosion On A Hot Water Heater

16 February 2022
 Categories: Business, Blog

The location where your water heater is installed and the number of years that you have owned the heater may reflect upon the level of corrosion that is noted on the tank's exterior. Ideally, a tank will be resilient to corrosion and will not show signs of damage. A tank that does have rust spots on it, however, will require some targeted corrosion removal techniques and protectant strategies.

A Tank's Composition And Environmental Factors 

A modern hot water tank will contain a glass interior, a pressure valve, and an anode rod. The design of a tank will deter rust from entering a tank. The anode rod is especially helpful in preventing corrosion. It attracts limestone, iron, and other minerals that could lead to corrosion. This part may need to be replaced periodically.

Environmental factors that may contribute to corrosion include moisture and oxygen. A closet, a utility shed, or another confined space where a heater is located may be prone to moisture accumulation. The lack of insulation or subpar insulation strategies will allow moisture to mix with oxygen. The combination of moisture and oxygen will lead to corrosion.

An Assessment And Mitigation Efforts

A plumber should always be called upon to assess the corrosion that is on a hot water heater. This is due to the inconsistencies of corrosion buildup. An issue could look relatively minor but could have compromised the strength of a water tank. If the walls or bottom of a tank are severely compromised, a tank may not be salvageable.

During an assessment, a plumber will inspect the pressure value and the anode rod. If the valve or rod has thick rust on them, these parts can be removed from the unit and replaced with new materials. If corrosion is located on the body of the water tank, a plumber may use a rust dissolver to remove traces of the corrosion. They may also lightly sand the rusted spots.

These water heater repair strategies will restore a unit. If the corrosion that was present was solely a cosmetic imperfection and did not break down the metal that comprises a tank's surface, efforts can be made to prevent this type of problem from occurring again.

All of the hoses that are connected to a water heater should be inspected. Fittings and hose components can become damaged or loose after excessive use. A plumber can match damaged materials with new ones, which may help contain the amount of moisture that comes into contact with the heater's exterior.
